Phreaks of Phandalin: The Silent Symphony
Mvt I. The Council
Phreaks of Phandalin: The Silent Symphony is a podcast written, recorded, edited, and scored by Aubrey. It originated as her capstone project for The University of Tulsa and has evolved into an ongoing passion project.
Aegis was created and voiced by Joel Allen
Caerfras was created and voiced by Carter Sizemore
Cassian was created and voiced by Samuel Allen
Iskra was created and voiced by Zolandrya Allen
Mithaniel was created by Joshua Allen and voiced by Zachariah Vercruyssen
Nokir was created and voiced by Aodhyn Allen
Revere was created and voiced by Caleb Sizemore
Seren was created and voiced by Aubrey Allen
Tathina was created and voiced by Cristi Allen
Voidwalker was created and voiced by Jason Gober
This episode also featured the vocal talents of:
Damon Allen
Leah Day
Devon Fry
Julia Grantham
Kate Lundy
Greg Pagano
Iris Ramirez
Morgan Thomason
Special Thanks:
Prof. Jeff van Hanken
Dr. Joseph Rivers
Studio 151
The University of Tulsa Film and Music departments
Cover art by Aubrey Allen
Character art by Devyn Pierce, @neuroticmoths on Twitter